Tonight, 2 March 2010, is the premier of “The Pluto Files” on the PBS science series “Nova.” Pluto was discovered on February 18, 1930 by Clyde W. Tombaugh, the first planet discovery by an American. In 2006, its status was changed to dwarf planet amid much controversy. This episode of Nova explores the history of Pluto and the decision and reactions to its change in status. If you miss tonight’s broadcast, the episode will be available on-line starting tomorrow, 3 March 2010.
Tonight, 2 March 2010, is the premier of “The Pluto Files” on the PBS science series “Nova.” Pluto was discovered on February 18, 1930 by Clyde W. Tombaugh, the first planet discovery by an American. In 2006, its status was changed to dwarf planet amid much controversy. This episode of Nova explores the history of Pluto and the decision and reactions to its change in status. If you miss tonight’s broadcast, the episode will be available on-line starting tomorrow, 3 March 2010.