Verizon iPhone

So today’s big news from Verizon is the long anticipated announcement that they will begin carrying Apple’s iPhone. My reaction: Disappointed… As I’ve mentioned on my Android page, I gave up waiting for a Verizon-badged iPhone about a year ago, and picked up a Motorola Droid. Jeannette has also gone with an Android phone, the Samsung Continuum, but with a backup plan — we have another upgrade coming up in February. She’s been happy enough with the Continuum that she’s not sure that she still wants to switch to an iPhone, even though she uses a MacBook, an iPad, and an iPod or two… So why am I disappointed? When I saw that Verizon was starting to carry the iPad, I was certain that the iPhone was on their horizon. Since the rumors of a January announcement coincided with Verizon’s roll-out of there shiny new LTE 4G network, I assumed that the timing was intentional, so that Apple could be one of, if not the first, 4G LTE smart phone for Verizon. Since one of the common complaints from AT&T iPhone users is slow data network speed, I assumed that Apple was interested in expanding to Verizon’s market not only because of their large customer base, but also because of their network infrastructure, and their 4G network speed. However, in the details of today’s announcement were a number of disappointments. First, the Verizon iPhone would only be compatible with CDMA technology for Verizon’s current 3G network. In fact, Verizon has said that their 4G network is currently only for data, not […]

Verizon iPhone