
The kids pointed out to me some time ago that I’d left out a couple of family members. Our current dogs are:

Calvin, a “Cavachon” (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel/Bichon Frise mix) puppy that we got at the end of August 2021.

Calvin as a puppy

Charlie, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel that we got as a puppy in April 2019.

Charlie as a puppy in April 2019
Charlie in October 2020

Lulu, an “Affenchin” (Japanese Chin/Affenpinscher mix) that we got as a puppy in June 2016.

Samurai, a Japanese Chin that we adopted in July 2013. Sadly, Samurai passed away in August 2021.

Yoshi was another Japanese Chin that we adopted in July 2013. He passed in April 2019 from congestive heart failure.

This page used to be titled Beagles but we’ve added Nestle, a miniature Dachshund, in 2006… She passed away in July, 2016.

When we first got Hershey in 1997 she just wanted to play doggie wrestling with Oreo, our older Beagle!

Now that she’s a bit older, Hershey is more content to curl up on the couch with Oreo!

Nestle, our Dachshund, fits right in with the Beagles… All couch potatoes!

Hershey passed away in 2013 from liver failure… She was a good dog, and we still miss her every day…

Melissa got a Japanese Chin named “Bonsai” as a puppy in 2013, I think.

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