
Thank you, WayBack Machine!

Tonight, as I was updating some of the content on my website, I discovered that I had a link to a page that didn’t exist, and realized that I was missing a number of posts. Rather than trying to dig through the database backups, I went to the Internet Archive “Wayback Machine” at Archive.org for my site, and was able to find a copy of my website from 2018, when it was still running Drupal, before I migrated to WordPress. It had the missing posts, which I was able to copy and paste. I need to go back and add categories and tags, and fix some links and put images back in, but at least I was able to recover all of the text!

Thank you, WayBack Machine! Read More »

Moved to WordPress!

After using Drupal for many years, I’ve decided to switch to WordPress as my Content Management System. My hosting company, MacHighway, uses cPanel to manage user sites, and it provides a default version of PHP and its associated modules, which I don’t have access to change. It seems that recently, Drupal has changed their system requirements to require additional PHP modules, which are not installed, so I have not been able to upgrade to the most recent releases. I found the FG Drupal to WordPress plug-in, which can migrate the content from Drupal sites which work quite well, so I’ve migrated this site to WordPress. I’ve done a few updates already, but I’ll try to review each of the pages to make sure that the graphics are there, etc.

Moved to WordPress! Read More »

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